We've added a new option for colors, letting you pick from some predetermined colorsets:
Normal Colors - our standard colors, good in normal lighting
Not So Bright - dimmed 10%, this is much better if you play in the dark
Switch Bright White/Green - switch bright white and bright green (Slither's preferred way, ask him)
Dystopia is Pretty - a muted, somewhat desaturated theme
You can manage this new option here:
If you don't see the option, scroll down near the options you do see and you should see it scroll into view. After you make the change, you'll need to reconnect from the connection screen, so if you changed this option in a new window, you'll need to close your client window/tab and use the 'Back to Connect' button at the top of the Client Options screen to return to the connection screen and connect with your new options.
Dystopia is Pretty
Not So Bright
Normal Colors
Switch Bright White/Green